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A Brief History

In the beginning, there were file folders. Kidding aside, filing sytems have indeed long been an integral part of business -
from industry to retail, they've helped to shape our world. In the twentieth century, industry giants have battled it out with
their competing brands of folders, offering a wide array of folder types (and colour-coded label systems) to eager clients.
The filing world in the twenty-first century has shifted again, as an increasingly aggressive market has driven many industry
leaders out of business entirely. Elecompack, a proud supplier of file folders and their accessories for over 21 years, still
stands firmly entrenched in the filing world of North America, a leading supplier to medical and veterinary practices.


Filing Systems in the Digital Age

Despite increasing movements to Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and other digitizing programs, many medical practices are
actively choosing to remain with their paper file folder systems, correctly realizing that what they might gain in appearing
tech-savy they often lose in terms of long-term costs for EMR and a loss of personalization in their patient interactions. Because of
this, filing systems remain a solid, cost-effective, efficient choice for clinics and hospitals to organize their patient information.


Our Plans

Elecompack endeavours to be increasingly available to both old and new clients as the filing systems marketplace becomes more
focused. Our committment to high quality folders and cost-effective products makes us the best choice for conscientious purchasing
of filing supplies.


An Invitation

We invite you, our clients and potential clients, to look to the simple efficiency that filing systems provide, and reflect on the cost benefits
and the accessibility that file folders provides. Failed backups, constant (costly) program updates, complicated and ever-changing
user interfaces are simply not problems faced by file systems users. Join the paper revolution and future-proof your office!